Thursday, July 28, 2011

The History of Religion

What is religion?
It has many different defintions but its basics are:
  1. the worship of a God or gods
  2. guidelines about how to behave
  3. answers to life's biggest questions
2. What are beliefs?
 Beliefs are what one follows, they are a set of rules or guidelines followed by person of religion. However it is also and indiviual or groups' values on how they commit to life and what they do.
3. Explain the following terms:
Animism: The earliest kind of religion that was developed while humans were living as hunter-gatherers. It is the belief that humans/animals have spirits.
Polytheism: Belief in many gods. The first human civilisations followed different types of polytheism.
Pantheism: The belief that everything is part of one god. Hinduism is more Pantheism than Polytheism.
Montheism: Belief in only one God.  This was what the Jews started following and is in the Old testament.
Agnosticism: Uncertainty about God or Gods. Some Greek thinkers were moving away from religion and developing ideas in science and philosophy.
Atheism: Belief in no Gods.

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